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The Science Collective's travelling STEMmania comes to the Burnside Ballroom, corner of Portrush and Greenhill Roads for the first time this school holiday period for just one afternoon session from 1.30pm-4.30pm on Tuesday 4th October.


Liquid Nitrogen, Dinosaur and Wildlife Shows from Nitro Nat, Professor Flint and Animal Recovery and Education complement a day of hands-on science fun with Questacon exhibits, rocket making and launching, bridge building, marshmallow and spaghetti tower challenges and an electric circuit challenge and so much more.  Will Bugs n Slugs be there?  Of course!  No Science Collective event would ever be complete without the Slime Bar, guaranteed to ensure that every child can take home their very own (non-messy) slime creation. 

We know that with costs rising in many areas a day out with the family needs to be affordable.  So we have actually reduced the cost of tickets for this event with a family ticket available for just $29 (2 + 2 or 1 + 3) and lower prices for children ($8) and adults ($12).   


If you've got a child that loves all things science and technology, imagine the possibilities! It's bound to be their "best day ever"! 

Tuesday 4th October, 2022

1.30pm - 4.30pm



Burnside Ballroom

401 Greenhill Road, Tusmore, 5065




When & where

To ensure we are COVID-safe, entry to this event is by a pre-purchased ticket only.


Tickets will not be available at the door.







Entry to event
Things to see

* Program is subject to confirmation and change - some things like sickness, COVID requirements and changed availabilities are out of our control.





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0413 156 172 Brian Haddy

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